Welcome to Souvereign Sharing

Sharing from years of study,
ancient wisdom teachings,
experience based research
and Love for Life.

The Syntropic Nature of Life,
Original Human Nature,
Self Sovereignty,

The suppression of our potential,
through cult-programming
and trauma based
mind control

My work is dedicated to:

The Syntropic Nature of Humanity, my Mokopuna Younglings
& my Grandmothers of Waitaha.

I am proud to be able to share with you on:

Unlocking the roadmap to trans-generational wholeness,
restoring our intrinsic culture of love
and proclaiming our inevitable

Whether Syntropic Agorforestry
or de-programming yourself
from the Matrix

I want to invite you to decide how my sharings on self sovereignty, syntropy,
human ecology and conscious community building may be of a
purposeful function for you during this time.

In that I want you to feel into the value of what
you want to welcome into your experience.

What Journey are you here for?

Resources, documentation and skills
What’s on offer?

Here are some of the Current ONLINE ‘Categories’ that are coming out in prep
of my 2021 The Great Turning Tour, which will be a huge series of ONLAND EXPERIENCES. Some of these courses you can UNLOCK if you become a contributor/ subscriber to my work.
You’re welcomed to let me know what it is you are attracted to dive deeper into.

Navigating Syntropy in real Life

Remembering Ancient Wisdom
Unpacking the Narcissist Culture
Internal Landscape Navigation

Navigating Regenerative Culture
Navigating the Matrix of Deceit
Navigating the Archetypal Reality of the Hero’s Journey
Recontextualising our Navigation
Navigating Sacred Unification

Assisting you in:
Unlocking your Innate Wisdom as
the Master Navigator
your were born
to be.

Roadmaps on Naturally un-plugging
oneself from “the Matrix”

The Human experience (and experiment) is about a Journey back home to Self, to wholeness, to self sovereignty, to freedom, to thriving, AND ADVENTURE, as without adventure (aka journeys) there is no transformation, growth, expansion or change. The choice to respond to a
call to adventure is always yours, I welcome you to make
that choice for yourself. You did not bring
yourself here by accident,
that’s for sure!

Hearing the Call to Adventure:
A Different Sense of Language

Across the years, the many sharings I publicised have all been an intrinsic part of the human
(hero’s) Journey (the Journey Home to Self, to Love, to Freedom and Fearlessness)
and the discovery in that process about the important function
of finding the correct Language to convey the Syntropic side of the Human Story.

What I am able to share with you is the multiplicity by which our freedom of thinking is suppressed. By means of the language that we were taught we unintentionally are limiting our consciousness because we can only see, or relate to that which we can name.

Language has the power to govern our consciousness

What better way to control the freedoms of people than to confound them in their language?

It’s time to get Wise…

Remember what brought you here?
Natural attraction, curiosity,
a sense of intuition..

“Remembering Feeling Based Relating,
based on Syntropy, is
the missing link.”

This Content is for You if you:

– are open minded and able to be curious
– want to learn about syntropy & sovereignty
– are willing to radically reflect on programming
– are willing to be real and open
– feel willing to let go of old belief systems
– feel willing to embrace the process of change
– are willing to explore a Brave New Life

This Content is not for You if:

– you are fainthearted
– you are not willing to change/grow
– you want to blame someone else still
– you are looking for a guru or quick fix
– you don’t want to invest in re-learning

Thank you for making your choice, I look forward to sharing more with you.

In Lovingkindness,